Cluck-ulator In Top 5 Most Popular Smart Phone Apps for Chicken Owners
Chicken's Magazine November/December 2015 issueinclude an articl on the 5 most popular apps for chicken owners and the Cluck-ulator is on the list!
We're transcribing the Cluck-ulator review below:
Availability: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, Windows
Planning on starting a backyard flock or a small poultry farm? The Cluck-ulator is the perfect pocket poultry consultant. It's breed selector helps you select the breed of chicken you wish to raise based on criteria such as temperament, eggshell color, climate tolerance, rate of lay, size and maturity and more.
An alphabetical Photo Gallery aids in visualizing the different breeds as you consider them. The Coop Planner assists you in estimating your future flocks housing requirements, including coop and runs size, perch space and nest boxes, while the food and water estimator gives you an idea of how much feed and daily water your flock will require, based on criteria you select like number and type of chickens, growth state and outside temperature.
Finally – – and possibly most important for farmers counting on future egg sales – – the egg estimator provides an annual estimate of the number of eggs a chicken will lay once you identify the breed and age of bird. Additional features include access to's website, Facebook page, Twitter feed and blog, though Wi-Fi or cellular service is required to access these.
The Cluck-ulator will definitely guide potential chicken keepers in the right direction if they are dreaming of starting a flock.
Links to download the free Cluck-ulator app:

Cluck-ulator Chicken Calculator Demo from ChickenWaterer on Vimeo.
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